Point to Ponder
My wife gave me a couple of coffee mugs for our place in the country last Christmas. 
As I was searching for a point to ponder for this month I drank from one of them and paused for a moment to ponder its words of wisdom.
"Behind every success is effort...
 behind every effort is passion...
 behind every passion is someone with the courage to try."
 And on the inside lip: "GO For It!"
Spring is 'officially' here and I'm hoping to see some 'solid' evidence of that soon. Hopefully the snow will continue to melt slowly so we don't flood. I have to admit this has been a long winter for me.  Fortunately, we had the week in Cuba at the beginning of February to break it.  But, it has still been a long one.
Spring is a time of new ideas and possibilities. Farmers start getting their equipment ready to plant again. You and I can give our minds and spirits a check up so we can go forth and plant new innovative ideas that will yield amazing results when we cultivate and nurture them over the next few months.
Some of us have had some soul searching during this winter, perhaps even wondering if we were on the right path. That is a normal thing to go through from time to time. That is also a time to touch deep into our passion and suck up our courage to try again.
  • This time, we will make it work;
  • This time, it will be different;
  • This time, we will overcome and move on to succeed.
Go for it!
See you next month 

Archives of past issues are available on our www.ideaman.net website.

There is a difference between training and education. Both have their place and both are important.
I was shopping in a retail store the other day and put my purchases and a $20 bill on top on the conveyor belt. The very nice lady behind the til took my $20 off and put it to the side. She then proceeded to ask me, "Will this be on your ______ card or debit?" With a straight face, I said, "No thanks, Cash!"
She had obviously been trained to say that, but not educated as to when it would be appropriate.
When you are training someone, please ensure they are educated at the same time.


Education Will Give You the Edge

By Lori Colborne

Companies budget for marketing strategies to educate their clients. Websites, trade shows, seminars, even the cost of a hockey game is considered a good marketing investment.

There is much frustration in this hot economy regarding the lack of talent. This shortage is a reality that will probably be with us for some time. Cultivating ordinary employees to become extraordinary staff is absolutely necessary for survival and success in this marketplace.

With the high cost of replacing staff - education is a good investment. Training in team building, communication, conflict resolution, sales, management & leadership, in addition to technical training are programs vital to the empowerment of your people.

Staff newsletters, regular meetings, conferences, staff evaluations, and regular anonymous evaluation of management are all part of an overall educational strategy.

When a person feels ill equipped to do their job, they often experience a higher rate of burn out, frustration, and outbursts. This dissatisfaction will lead the employee to look elsewhere for employment.

If you do not have the in-house expertise and time to develop these educational tools consider hiring an outside consultant to help you develop your team through customized programs.

Invest in your most valuable asset - your people!

Written by Lori Colborne, President - LSL Marketing Consultants. Lori Colborne is an international keynote speaker, consultant & author of "Innovative Marketing Made Easy!" www.LoriColborne.com For more articles like these, visit: www.AlbertaSpeakers.com

Last Minute News

Had the pleasure of hosting and co-sponsoring an evening with my long time friend and fellow speaker Peter Legge on March 22nd. We've been friends for about 19 years and he was kind enough to come into Edmonton a day early so he could spend the evening with CAPS Edmonton and friends.
He did an amazing job!
Also finished the 4th in my series for The Business Link that day. 
Been a productive month in spite of a few visits to the Emergency room. I had an ear infection and went into Emerg. Then Irene's mom fell and broke her arm (the one not affected by her stroke) and is still in the Vergreville Hospital. Then Irene's dad was rushed by ambulance to the Royal Alex (Edm) for treatment. 13 hours later we took him home and he went back in for day surgery on the 28th. Then me again... problems with the nerves that control the muscles on the right side of my face. CT Scan being done to see what the problem is and they have me on a regimen of drugs to deal with the infection that is most likely behind the pressure that is causing the nerve damage. Going to be some work to put the smile back on my face. Not sure how long it will take to come back, or if it will. Look fine until I start to smile...then I look like Popeye. Pass the spinach!
Updates: My smile is returning... about 75%. Irene's dad had his operation and it was successful. Irene's mom is healing and we hope will be able to return home in time for Easter at the end of the month. We've decided to not take a break for my birthday this month just to be around to help them out. 
Calls are coming in from prospective clients. Nice to see that getting busier. Continuing my work on rewrites and publications. We will be taking most of our workbooks and mini-books and updating them to make them available in e-formats (PDF) as well as for readers like the Kobo I got for Christmas. Exploring these new venues for providing what we have in written form makes sense and we hope generates additional revenues long term.

Thanks for reading

Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey would be pleased to be a part of your success team and to work with you to help make your conference, meeting, or training event a larger success. For more information about customized keynotes, professional and personal leadership training and coaching, or seminars/retreats, please visit  http://www.ideaman.net or call our Creative Office at:  (780) 736-0009 for availability.

Ask about a customized conference, coaching or training package to suit your specific career, company, or organizational needs.

Ask about our innovative leadership and/or sales leaders' motivational training programs.


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April 2011

                 What's New!
Book updates:
Think Beyond The FIRST Sale is now available for purchase in an e-book (pdf) format.
TALK, So People Will Listen (print) is now available for purchase.
Think BEFORE You Ink! will be available soon.
Had the chance to ride one of these when a client came in with on at the Business Link program I was doing. Going to put it on my Christmas wish list.


About Bob

Bob is a professional speaker, author, leadership, sales, and business success expert

Bob is a long time leader and professional charter member of Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, a member of NSA-Arizona, as well as the International Federation for Professional Speakers.
He is proud to be an active professional member of these amazing groups of people dedicated to polishing their craft and to better serving their clients and audiences.
Bob is the co-founder and a past president of CAPS Vancouver, an honorary founding member of CAPS Sask., an honorary member of CAPS Halifax, as well as being an active member of CAPS Edmonton. He served as CAPS National Director (2000-2002).
He would be happy to discuss how he can work with you to equip and motivate your leaders, their teams, sales teams, or volunteers to grow and to succeed.
Call him today at 1-780-736-0009 to explore leveraging his innovative Ideas At Work with your organization.
Or, email him at bob@ideaman.net
Ideas At Work!
10 Creativity Corner
Egremont, Alberta T0A 0Z0, CANADA